A-to-Z: Delitescent


Delitescent:  hidden, concealed, latent.

fog - march

“I choose not to engulf the thick green hedge. It takes away my momentum; does nothing to the creatures hiding in it.  No, I want the young human stumbling slowly down the path, feet catching on small twigs and pushing wet leaves aside.

She doesn’t know I am here. The saying “creeps in on cat feet” – that is me.  Sadness and pain leaks from her body in small red drips, splashing near silent on the pine needles. Another few steps to the Aspen. She leans against him and slides down to his feet, defeated.  A quiet breath leaves her lips.

I reach her. Stretched thin around the trees I gather myself.  Her body delitescent until found, cold, with the morning sun.”

About jaycegrae

A writer, learning. View all posts by jaycegrae

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